Please complete this application form if you are applying for Foundation/Core Trainee Membership of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand.
Foundation and Core Trainee members are doctors within five years of qualification or in a non-training post with an interest in hand surgery.
Prospective Foundation and Core Trainee members must have the support of one current BSSH Fellow member and complete the full application process (this includes signing the electronic register of members and agreeing to the Code of Conduct) and may then be accepted as members on payment of the appropriate fee.
On completion of core training, members practicing hand surgery should upgrade their membership category to Associate. There is no need for the member to reapply for this transition. Please contact if you wish to upgrade.
Foundation and Core Trainee members who cease to meet the eligibility criteria shall not be entitled to remain within the category.
Foundation and Core Trainee membership is granted for a 12 month period only, after which time you will need to re-confirm that you meet the criteria for the category.
You will need the following information to be able to complete this application form:
- A copy of your curriculum vitae (maximum length – 2 pages)
- The name and email address of a current BSSH Fellow who has agreed to support your application. Please contact if you require assistance with this.
- Right to attend Annual General Meetings and other General Meetings
- No voting right
- Not eligible to stand for election to the Council or officer roles of the Society
For any queries on the application process, please contact the BSSH Secretariat .
Please select below to confirm you are applying for Foundation and Core Trainee Membership of the BSSH and continue with your application.